Tuesday, December 4, 2012


My love for design came at an early age.  After magician, ballerina, ice skater, and Olympic gymnast, I set my sights on becoming the next big fashion star.  As you can see from my career choices I have always wanted to create beauty; and oh yes a magician counts.  Making a fuzzy, white rabbit appear out of a drab, black top hat is a beautiful feat, and not an easy one to accomplish as that.  But I digress.  Yes, Fashion Star.  Feigning the appearance of a lifelong fan at the ripe old age of 12, I saved the Time magazine with the cover story of Gianni Versace’s untimely death; feeling as though he was my generation’s JFK or John Lennon.  That one day I would be asked to speak about where I was when ‘it happened’.

As I got a bit older I redirected my focus to homes, and luckily actually followed through with this one. In 2004 I moved to LA to study interior design at the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising.   After graduation I lived in Chile for a year and a half (yep Mormon; yep mission).  Upon my return I worked in my field doing high-end residential design in Park City, Utah.  With the downturn of the economy the ax followed not even a year into my time there.  So what does one do after an untimely layoff?  I planned a trip to Africa.  After which I came home and studied Art History at the University of Utah.

My time in Chile, my trip to Tanzania, and expanding my view of art and life has made me want to use less and recreate with things that already exist.  At the same time even with purse strings being strung fairly taut, my desire to create beauty remains the goal.  Getting married and living as husband and wife on a small budget has taught me to be resourceful and ingenious.  Because unfortunately my husband doesn’t really care to eat canned corn so I can spend the food budget on ‘that great new set of dishes at Anthropologie that just went on sale’.  Although he has many a time sacrificed for me and my addiction.

Over the years I have learned how to maintain my style and create beauty, while doing it in a cost effective manner that does not add to over consumption and waste.  It is my dream to transform the world one newly refurbished Chinese Chippendale chair at a time.

E&J Dunn Reception

Palette: Coral, Grapefruit Pink, Burnt Orange with touches of Rose




